Mental health needs exploding; Collier treatment center plans expansions

David Lawrence Center is addressing demand for mental health services through new building projects and staff recruitment to boost access to care, according to the nonprofit mental health organization.

Coupled with the projects is a $10 million gift, the single largest gift ever, that will be used to build a children’s center with 30 crisis beds, which will double capacity.

The gift is from the Bill and Julia Van Domelen Foundation, which has longstanding ties to Collier County through philanthropic support.

Florida historically ranks 46 among states for access to mental health care, Collier County has faced additional challenges of rapid growth, time consuming recovery from hurricanes Irma in 2017 and Ian in 2022, and a lack of affordable housing.

The daily struggles are taking a psychological toll, and the community is not immune to the national opioid epidemic and increasing number of suicides, which hit an all time high in 2020 in Collier of nearly 16 suicides per 100,000 population. That exceeded the state suicide rate of 13 per 100,000 population, according to a group of medical and mental health providers.

Read the full article on Naples Daily News here.


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