Our Priorities


Mental Health is a growing concern and we recognize the need for action. With the help of our coalition members and partners, we have developed the following list of priorities to focus on solutions.

Priority 1: Crisis Support

Build and operate a central receiving facility/system to serve persons experiencing an acute mental health or substance use crisis.


Priority 2: Housing and Services

Increase housing and supportive services for persons with serious mental illness and/or substance use.

Priority 3: Data Sharing

Establish a mental health and substance use disorder data collaborative for data sharing, collection and outcomes reporting.


Priority 4: Justice System

Increase capacity and effectiveness of justice system response for persons experiencing serious mental illness and/or substance use dependence.


Priority 5: Transportation

Revise and implement non-emergency Baker Act and Marchman Act transportation plans.


Priority 6: Advocacy

Improve community prevention, advocacy and education related to mental health and substance use.


Seniors & Veterans

Special considerations for the elderly and survivors of combat.